How to use the program for computing Grobner fans.
Put the file "toric.tar" in a separate dir and use "tar -x < toric.tar"
extract. Run "make"
. This will produce two executable files "main"
Following is a list of examples on how to use the program:
EXAMPLE 1: Computing a reduced Grobner basis of the ideal I_A where
- Run the program
- Type
to select [Sturmfels] algorithm 12.3.
- Type
... yes we want the output LaTeXed to a dvi-file
- Type
since we do not want a random matrix
- Type
which is the ASCII-representation of the matrix A
Now the program starts computing and produces the file "ud.tex"
and if latex
is available in the path it also produces the "ud.dvi"
file. View this file
with xdvi: "xdvi ud.dvi&"
to see each step in the algorithm.
EXAMPLE 2: Computing all reduced Grobner bases of the ideal I_A where
A=[1,2,3,4] and list them.
- Run the program
- Type
to select the exhaustive search method which is needed when listing
all reduced Grobner bases.
- Type
LaTeX the output and list the Grobner bases too
- Type
since we do not want a random matrix
- Type
which is the ASCII-representation of matrix A
The program will now produce the "ud.dvi"
file containing a list of the 20 reduced Grobner bases of I_A.
EXAMPLE 3: Computing all reduced Grobner bases of the ideal I_HA8
where HA8
is the 2x8 matrix:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Run the program
- Type
to select the reverse search method
- Type
to LaTeX the output. We do not want to list the bases in the output
- Type
since we do not want a random matrix
- Type
The program now traverses the graph. This will take a while. When finished we
can see the number of vertices (40284) and the number of edges (147086) in the
file "ud.dvi"
. These numbers are also written to the file "output"
EXAMPLE 4: Producing a table of timings for the built-in examples.
- Make sure that the file
is in your path. (you could use "PATH=.:$PATH"
- Run the program
- Type
since we want to test the traversing algorithms
- Wait several hours
The program produces the files "tableB.tex"
and "tableB.dvi"
containing the results.